Fruits – A to Z Fruit Details
More About Apple
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Prunus Armeniaca.
Apricots are rich source of energy ,carbohydrates,proteins,vitamins like beta caroteneand vitamin A ,minerals like calcium,magnesium,iron and phosphorous, contain less fat .Apricots acts as Antioxidants, Strengthens our Bones ,Good for the Skin,blood and heart etc.
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More About Apricot
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Malpighia emarginata
Acerola (Malpighia emarginata) is a significant source of vitamin C in the natural form of ascorbic acid, containing as much as 1000 to 4500 milligrams per 100 grams of edible fruit. Vitamin C is an essential dietary nutrient, playing a role in immune system health. It is also important in the synthesis of collagen, a structural component of bone, skin and blood vessels as well as the synthesis of brain chemicals involved in mood regulation. Vitamin C content is highest in the less ripened fruit and after harvest the percent of vitamin C can be preserved by freezing the plant.
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Musa.
Banana is rich source of potassium, magnesium, proteins , fibre, magnese etc . banana is good source of energy and good for heart, skin, cardiovascular health, athletic performance, prevent cramps after exercise etc.
More About Banana
More About Banana
Black Currant:
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Ribes Nigrum.
Black current are the rich source of sodium, carbohydrates, dietry fibre etc. Blackcurrents are good for cardiovascular health, bones, teeths, eye vision, energy level, skin problems, protect from cancer and slow down aging etc.
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Cyanococcus.
Blueberries are sources of vitamin C, fibre, vitamin B-6, potassium, carbohydrates etc. Blueberries are good for heart, brain functions, memory, Anthocyanins in Blueberries Can Have Anti-Diabetic Effects, improves urinary tract infections, good antioxidants, reduce DNA damage and acts as antiaging agents, protect from cancer etc.
More About Blueberry
More About Blueberry
Breadfruit :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Artocarpus altilis
Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) is a species of flowering tree in the mulberry and Jackfruit family (Moraceae) originating in the South Pacific and that was eventually spread to the rest of Oceania. British and French navigators introduced a few Polynesian seedless varieties to Caribbean islands during the late 18th century, and today it is grown in some 90 countries throughout South and Southeast Asia, the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, Central America and Africa.Its name is derived from the texture of the moderately ripe fruit when cooked, similar to freshly baked bread; it has a potato-like flavor.
Coconut :
More About Coconut
Custard apple:
More About Custard Apple
Cantaloupe :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis
The fruit widely known as “cantaloupe” throughout the U.S. is actually muskmelon. When we purchase “cantaloupe” in a U.S. grocery store, what we’re used to seeing is an outer surface that consists of “netting”—an orderly mosaic pattern – that sits atop and covers the outermost skin (rind). We may or may not also see “ribbing” on the cantaloupe (“ribbing” in the sense of lines running from one end of the cantaloupe to the other, like the seams on a basketball). But if we do see ribbing, it is not usually very heavy or very deep., Melons with a very developed and orderly netting and only mild-to-moderate ribbing are not true cantaloupes but rather muskmelons (Cucumis melo var reticulatus)
Carambola :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Averrhoa carambola
The fruit is popular throughout Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, Micronesia, and parts of East Asia. The tree is also cultivated throughout non-indigenous tropical areas, such as in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, and the southern United States. The fruit has distinctive ridges running down its sides (usually five but can sometimes vary); in cross-section, it resembles a star, hence its name. The entire fruit is edible and is usually eaten out of hand. They may also be used in cooking and can be made into relishes, preserves, and juice drinks.
Cherimoya :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Annonaceae
The cherimoya (Annona cherimola), also spelled chirimoya and called Chirimuya by the Inca people, is an edible fruit-bearing species of the genus Annona from the family Annonaceae, which generally is thought to be native to Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia then transported to the Andes and Central America.Today, cherimoya is grown throughout South Asia, Central America, South America, California, Hawaii, southern Europe, East Africa, Kisii in particular and northern Africa.
Cherries :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Prunus avium
The cherry fruits of commerce usually are obtained from a limited number of species such as cultivars of the sweet cherry, Prunus avium. The name ‘cherry’ also refers to the cherry tree, and is sometimes applied to almonds and visually similar flowering trees in the genus Prunus, as in “ornamental cherry”, “cherry blossom”, etc. Wild cherry may refer to any of the cherry species growing outside of cultivation, although Prunus avium is often referred to specifically by the name “wild cherry” in the British Isles.
Clementine :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Citrus × clementina
A clementine (Citrus ×clementina) is a hybrid between a mandarin orange and a sweet orange, so named in 1902. The exterior is a deep orange colour with a smooth, glossy appearance. Clementines can be separated into 7 to 14 segments. Similarly to tangerines, they tend to be easy to peel. They are almost always seedless when grown commercially (without cross-pollination), and therefore are also known as seedless tangerines. The clementine is also occasionally referred to as the Moroccan clementine. They are typically juicy and sweet, with less acid than oranges. Their oils, like other citrus fruits, contain mostly limonene as well as myrcene, linalool, α-pinene and many complex aromatics.
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Phoenix dactylifera
Instant Energy Provider, Abdominal Cancer Cure, Sexual Advantage, Weight Gain And Intoxication, Healthy Stomach, Constipation Control, Healthy Teeth And Bones, Vitamin B contained in dates is beneficial for your hair. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to weak and brittle hair.
More About Date
Durian :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Durio zibethinus
One of its own kinds, durian fruit is delicious, soft, succulent and very popular for its unique characteristics. Durian is widely revered as the “King of Fruits” in the South-East Asian countries.
The durian tree is tropical in origin and belongs to family of Malvaceae, in the genus, Durio, a large family of plant species which also include some of the interesting relatives such as hibiscus, okra, etc. It is botanically known as Durio zibethinus.
Elderberries :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Sambucus
Used for its antioxidant activity to lower cholesterol, improve vision, boost the immune system, improve heart health and for coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections and tonsillitis. Elderberry juice was used to treat a flu epidemic in Panama in 1995.
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Ficus carica
Prevent cancer, Reduce cholesterol, Prevent high blood pressure and heart attack, Help cure diabetes, Daily consumption of figs is an effective drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids cure., onsume figs can reduce fatigue, improve brain memory and prevent anemia, During this time, figs have also been used to treat sexual weakness, Fig fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which makes them very effective for weight loss program (Obesity).
More About Fig
More About Fig
Feijoa :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Acca sellowiana
The feijoa is the fruit of Acca sellowiana, an evergreen shrub or small tree, 1-7 m in height. It comes from the highlands of southern Brazil, parts of Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay and northern Argentina. They are also grown throughout Azerbaijan , Iran (Ramsar) , Georgia, Russia (Sochi) and New Zealand. The fruit is also called the ‘pineapple guava’ or ‘guavasteen’.
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Ribes uva-crispa
Helpful in Cold and Sore Throat, Rich Source of Vitamin C, Reduces Indigestion and Constipation, Cures Sleeplessness or Insomnia, Secures against Heart Diseases, Helps in Reducing the Ill Effects of Smoking, Reduces the Risk of Stone Formation, Restricts Free Radical Skin Damage:
More About Gooseberry
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Vitis vinifera
Power Up Your Weight Loss, Mop Up Brain Damaging Plaques, Improve Brain Power, Protect Your Skin from Cancer, Protect Your Body from Radiation, In one study, scientists identified resveratrol as a nutrient that activated the human gene for survival and longevity, Resveratrol works as an anti-inflammatory, which may be one of the reasons it may be effective for heart disease, Supports Muscle Recovery
More About Grapes
More About Grapes
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Psidium guajava
Antioxidant Vitamin C for Immunity, Antitumor and Cancer controlling properties,Balancing Electrolyte, Blood Pressure & Blood Production,Anti- Ageing properties, Controls Diabetes, Eye & Skin Health, Guava for Digestion
More About Guava
More About Guava
Honeydew Melon :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Cucumis melo var. inodorus
Honeydew melon makes a refreshing treat on a hot summer day, but it’s also a low-calorie and healthy choice any time you need to feed a craving for sweets. Whether enjoyed fresh or added to a fruit salad, honeydew delivers iron, B vitamins and essential nutrients.
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Artocarpus heterophyllus
Fights wrinkles, Helps to get a glowing complexion, Promotes hair growth, Maintains blood pressure, Prevents colon cancer, Skin health and ageing, Regulates blood sugar levels, Keeps thyroid healthy, Maintain a Healthy Thyroid, The extract of jackfruit is known to treat various skin problems, diarrhea and fever.
More About Jack-fruit
More About Jack-fruit
Java-Plum :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Syzygium cumini
Black plum is very famous fruit in India where it is well known as Jamun and belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is also known as jambul, jambolan, jambas, malabar plum, rajaman, neredu, kala jamun, naval, jamali, java plum and etc in other regions of the world. It is very attractive, sweet and delicious fruit found everywhere during rainy season (in the month of June or July) in the market or road side.
Jujube :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Ziziphus
Ziziphus jujuba (from Greek, commonly called jujube, red date, Chinese date, Korean date, or Indian date is a species of Ziziphus in the buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae). It is used primarily as a shade tree that also bears fruit.
Kiwifruit :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Actinidia deliciosa
The kiwifruit is a small fruit approximately 3 inches long and weighing about four ounces. Its green flesh is almost creamy in consistency with an invigorating taste reminiscent of strawberries, melons and bananas, yet with its own unique sweet flavor. Packed with more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of orange, the bright green flesh of the kiwifruit speckled with tiny black seeds adds a dramatic tropical flair to any fruit salad.
Kumquat :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Fortunella
Some of the most important health benefits of kumquats include their ability to improve the immune system, regulate your digestive system, reduce your chances of developing diabetes, lower your cholesterol levels, boost the health of your skin, teeth, eyes, and hair, strengthen your bones, and improve nerve health.
Lemon, Lime:
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Citrus × limon
Lemon being a citrus fruit, fights against infection, It helps in production of WBC’s and antibodies in blood which attacks the invading microorganism and prevents infection, Lemon is an antioxidant which deactivates the free radicals preventing many dangerous diseases like stroke, cardiovascular diseases and cancers, Lemon lowers blood pressure and increases the levels of HDL (good cholesterol) , Lemon juice is said to give a glow to the skin, A few drops of lemon juice in hot water are believed to clear the digestive system and purify liver as well, Lemon juice is given to prevent or treat urinary tract infection and gonorrhea.
More About Lemon (Lime)
More About Lemon (Lime)
Longan :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Dimocarpus longan
The longan fruit (organic title euphoria langana), also referred to as Euphoria fruit, is really a aromatic, delicious and also fairly sweet fresh fruit, which is simple to consume. It just has one particular seed which is black in color. As soon as the longans are usually fresh, they’ve got a leather like light brown skin, which usually alters its color to brown lightly because of age or perhaps alterations in environmental surroundings. This kind of fruit is extremely preferred in China and is also recognized by its regional title pinyin, which suggests ‘dragon eye’ since the place where the pit or even seed is situated looks like an eye.
Loquat :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Eriobotrya japonica
Succulent, tangy yet sweet, wonderfully delicious loquat fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. This unique fruit is originated in the mountainous, evergreen rain forests of Southeastern China, from where it spread all across the world, including Japan. Some of the common names of loquat include Japanese plum, Japanese medlar, Maltese plum, etc. Loquat plant can be described as an evergreen, large shrub or small tree belonging to the family of Rosaceae, in the genus; Eriobotrya.
Lychee, Litchi:
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Litchi chinensis
Disease-Fighting Flavonoids, Antioxidant Protection, Heart Health, Blood Regulation, Anti-Viral Activity, Mitochondrial Health
More About Lychee (Litchi)
More About Lychee (Litchi)
Mamey :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Pouteria sapota
Pouteria sapota, mamey sapote, is a species of tree native to Mexico and Central America, naturally ranging from southern Mexico to southern Costa Rica, plus Cuba. Today, the tree is cultivated not only in Mexico, but also in Central America, the Caribbean, and South Florida for its fruit, which is commonly eaten in many Latin American countries. Mamey can be found in many Latin American communities throughout the USA, where it is made into milkshakes and ice cream among other things.
Mandarin :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Citrus reticulata
Mandarins are usually eaten plain or in fruit salads. Specifically reddish-orange mandarin cultivars can be marketed as tangerines, but this is not a botanical classification. Thin, pebbly skin Mandarins are smaller and oblate, rather than spherical like the common oranges (which are a mandarin hybrid). The taste is considered less sour, as well as sweeter and stronger. A ripe mandarin is firm to slightly soft, heavy for its size, and pebbly-skinned. The peel is very thin, with very little bitter white mesocarp, so they are usually easier to peel and to split into segments. Hybrids generally have these traits to a lesser degree.
Mangosteen :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Garcinia mangostana
Mangosteen fruit scientifically known as Garcinia mangostana is a tropical evergreen tree, believed to have been originated in Indonesia and is widely available in several South East Asian regions like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam and also in some regions of Africa. The purple Mangosteen, also known as ‘Mangustan‘ in Hindi, ‘Ivarumamidi‘ in Telugu, ‘Kaattampi‘ in Malayalam, ‘Kao‘ in Bengali, ‘Murugala Hannu‘ in Kannada, ‘Kokum‘ in Gujarati, ‘Kokam‘ or ‘Ratamba’ in Marathi, is acclaimed for its unique appearance and flavor is often revered as queen of the tropical fruits, especially in the orient.
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Mangifera indica
Lowers Cholesterol, Clears the Skin, Improves Eye Health, Alkalizes the Whole Body, Promotes Healthy Sex, Improves Digestion, Helps Fight Heat Stroke, Prevents Cancer: Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers
More About Mango
More About Mango
Mulberry :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Morus
Cures Certains Diseases, Prevents Cancers, Reduces Risk Of Blood Clots And Strokes, Cleanses Blood, Cleanses Liver And Strengthens Kidney, Prevents Flu And Cold, Speeds Up Recovery, Controls Blood Sugar, Maintains Heart Health
More About Mulberry
More About Mulberry
Musk-melon :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Cucumis melo
Controls blood pressure, Strengthens eyes, Helps in weight loss, Helps control diabetes, Low on cholesterol, Relieves constipation, Helps during pregnancy, Prevents heart diseases, Helps in quitting smoking
More About Musk-Melon
More About Musk-Melon
Nectarine :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Prunus persica
Sweet, delicious nectarine is a closely related fruit species to peach. As in peach, it too can be described as a drupe (fruit flesh surrounded by central solitary, hard seed) belonging within the genus; Prunus; a large group of tree fruits which also includes plums, damson, almonds, etc. This novel fruit is appreciated worldwide for its juicy, fragrant aroma, and unique taste. It thought to have originated in China and from where spread to Central Asia and Persia to Europe through ancient silk route.
Olives :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Olea europaea
Olives are too bitter to be eaten right off the tree and must be cured to reduce their intrinsic bitterness. Processing methods vary with the olive variety, region where they are cultivated, and the desired taste, texture and color. Some olives are picked unripe, while others are allowed to fully ripen on the tree. The color of an olive is not necessarily related to its state of maturity. Many olives start off green and turn black when fully ripe. However, some olives start off green and remain green when fully ripe, while others start of black and remain black.
Orange :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Citrus reticulata
Oranges contain phytochemicals that protect against cancer, Orange juice can help prevent kidney diseases, Mandarin oranges fight liver cancer, according to studies, Oranges lower cholesterol, They are rich in potassium and boost heart health, They lower the risk of diseases, They regulate high blood pressure, They relieve constipation.
More About Orange
More About Orange
Passion Fruit :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Passiflora edulis
Pleasantly sweet and tart, passion fruit, also known as granadilla, is brimming with numerous plant derived health benefiting nourishment essentials for the optimum growth. Passions are native to subtropical wild regions of South America, probably originated in Paraguay. The plant is a avid climber (vine) which grows on anything that it can grapple around through its tendrils. Botanically, this exotic fruit belongs to the family of Passifloraceae, in the genus; Passiflora.
Persimmon :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Diospyros virginiana.
Persimmon fruit is a golden yellow, round or oval, flavorful, smooth textured delicacy from far East Asian origin. Its sweet, delicious flesh is packed with several health promoting nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants vital for optimum health. Botanically, persimmons belong to the family of Ebenaceae, in the genus: Diospyros. This delicate fruit is native to China. From China, tt spread to Korean peninsula and Japan very long time ago, and later was introduced to California during the middle of the 19th century
Papaya :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Carica papaya
Anti-inflammatory, Heart Disease and Cancer, Great for your eyes, Protects against arthritis, Helps ease menstrual pain, Promotes hair growth
More About Papaya
More About Papaya
Peach :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Prunus persica
Protects Eye Vision, Promotes Skin Health, Maintains Body Weight, Prevents Cancer, Controls High Cholesterol, Improves Cardiovascular Health, Supports Digestive Health, Controls Blood Pressure
More About Peach
More About Peach
Pear :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Pyrus
Fights Against Free Radicals, Prevents Heart Diseases, No Allergic Reactions, Controls Blood Sugar Level, Boosts Immune System, Increases Energy Levels, Against Gallbladder, Colitis, Arthritis, Gout, Treat Oily Skin
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More About Pear
Pitanga :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Eugenia uniflora
The Surinam Cherry, also called pitanga, Brazil cherry, and in Hawaii, pumpkin cherry, is a large shrub that can achieve heights in excess of 25 feet. It is often referred to as a tree. The evergreen leaves, ovate to lanceolate, are slightly bronze colored when young and about 2 inches x 1/2 to 3/4 inches. One to four fragrant white flowers are found together in a leaf axil, each 3/8 inch diameter with an average of 50 stamens. The fruit is thin skinned, 7 to 8 ribs, 1.5 inch diameter with 1 to 3 seeds. The fruit is green when young, turning to orange then to a bright red or dark purple-black. The sweet juicy flesh is considered refreshing by some and an acquired taste by others due to its resinous flavor.
Pineapple :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Ananas comosus
Helps Your Skin Look Younger, Natural Exfoliating Agent, Prevent Free Radical Damage, Prevent Colds, Strong Bones, Anti-inflammatory Action, Cures Sinusitis, Sore Throat, Gout, Swellings, Anti-Cancer Properties, Helps Prevent Atherosclerosis
More About Pineapple
More About Pineapple
Plum :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Prunus domestica
Plums are low in calories (46 calories per 100 g) and contain no saturated fats; however, they hold numerous health promoting compounds, anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins, Certain health benefiting compounds present in the plums such as dietary fiber, sorbitol, and isatin has been known to help regulate smooth functioning of the digestive system, and thereby, help relieve constipation problems, Plums are plentiful in minerals like potassium, fluoride and iron. Iron is required for red blood cell formation. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure, Fresh plums, especially yellow Mirabelle type, are a moderate source of vitamin A and beta-carotene. Vitamin A is essential for good eyesight. It is also required for maintaining healthy mucusa and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin A has found to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
More About Plum
More About Plum
Plantain :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Musa × paradisiaca
A plantain may resemble a banana, but it is quite a different thing. While it’s true that they share the same family tree, they both have rather distinct identities when it comes to texture and flavor. You probably don’t need to be told this if you’ve ever tried to peel a plantain and eat it as if it were a banana.
Pummelo :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Citrus maxima
Pomelo or Pummelo, Citrus maxima, may be referred to as either or even its alternate vernacular name ‘Shaddock.’ So what is a pummelo or pomelo? Let’s find out about growing a pummelo tree.
Pomegranate :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Punica granatum
May help prevent cancer, Help digestion, Boost immunity, Increase your libido, Keep you looking younger, Lowers stress levels, Keep Alzheimer’s at bay, Prevent plaque formation, Pomegranate juice is heart-healthy
More About Pomegranate
More About Pomegranate
Quince :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Cydonia oblonga
Fragrant rich quince fruit is a member in the Rosaceae family of pome-fruits. Native to Asia Minor, this once popular delicacy has taken backseat in the modern times of the molecular biotechnology world. Quince is rarely eaten raw but employed in cooking where just a small section of it would impart the whole recipe with a pleasant fruity aroma. Binomially, quince is the only fruiting tree in the genus: Cydonia
Raspberries :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Rubus idaeus
Wonderfully delicious, bright-red raspberry is among the most popular berries to relish! They are rich sources of health promoting plant-derived chemicals, minerals, and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. Botanically, raspberry is a small shrub belonging to the family Rosaceae, in the genus: Rubus. It grows very well under temperate climates. The berry is native to the Europe but today widely cultivated in many temperate regions all over the world under supervised farms. Chief producers of raspberries are Poland, United States, Germany, and Chile.
Raisins :
Help In Digestion, Reduce Acidity, Help Against Anaemia, Help Prevent Cancer, Help Reduce Sexual Weakness, Mouth And Dental Care, Weight Management, For The Eyes
More About Raisins
More About Raisins
Rhubarb :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Rheum rhabarbarum
Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) is a species of plant in the family Polygonaceae. It is a herbaceous perennial growing from short, thick rhizomes. It produces large poisonous leaves that are somewhat triangular, with long fleshy edible stalks and small flowers grouped in large compound leafy greenish-white to rose-red inflorescences. In culinary use, fresh raw leaf stalks (petioles) are crisp (similar to celery) with a strong, tart taste. Although rhubarb is not a true fruit, in the kitchen it is usually prepared as if it were.[1] Most commonly, the stalks are cooked with sugar and used in pies, crumbles and other desserts. A number of varieties have been domesticated for human consumption, most of which are recognised as Rheum x hybridum by the Royal Horticultural Society.
Rose-Apple :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Syzygium aqueum
Some of the health benefits of rose apples include their ability to detoxify the liver, improve digestion, protect against diabetes, improve the immune system, lower cholesterol, prevent certain types of cancers, eliminate fungal and bacterial infections, reduce fevers, and even halt epileptic seizures. Rose apples, although the name might mislead you, are not related to roses or apples. In fact, rose apples are most closely related to guava, and although there are multiple species, the most commonly eaten variety has the scientific name Syzygium jambos.
Sapota, Naseberry, Sapodilla :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Manilkara zapota
Source Of Energy, Anti-Inflammatory Agent, Prevention Of Certain Cancers, Relief From Constipation, Benefits During Pregnancy, Anti-viral And Anti-bacterial Properties, Aids In Weight Lossv, As a Detoxifying Agent
More About Sapota (Naseberry)
More About Sapota (Naseberry)
Soursop :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Annona muricata
Soursop is the fruit of Annona muricata, a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree. The exact origin is unknown; it is native to the tropical regions of the Americas and is widely propagated.[4] It is in the same genus, Annona, as cherimoya and is in the Annonaceae family. The soursop is adapted to areas of high humidity and relatively warm winters; temperatures below 5 °C (41 °F) will cause damage to leaves and small branches, and temperatures below 3 °C (37 °F) can be fatal. The fruit becomes dry and is no longer good for concentrate.
Starfruit :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Averrhoa carambola
help an individual lose weight, support the digestive system, Starfruit may not spike your blood sugar compared to other foods, maintain a healthy blood pressure, help individuals fight infections, Starfruit is great for keeping your hair vibrant and healthy looking, Starfruit can help individuals sleep better, Anti-Cancer Fruit.
More About Starfruit
Strawberries :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Fragaria × ananassa
Delicious, rich-red, sweet, yet gently tangy strawberries are among the most popular berries. These berries are native to Europe, however, nowadays cultivated in many temperate regions all over the world as an important commercial crop. Botanically, the plant is a low-growing runner (creeper) belonging to the family of Rosaceae, in the genus: Fragaria.
Sweetlime, Sweet orange :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Citrus limetta
Improves The Immune System, Anti-Cancer Properties, Protection Against Rheumatoid Arthritis, Facilitates Weight Loss, Relief From Motion Sickness, Treatment Of Sunstroke And Dehydration, Beneficial For Pregnant Women
More About Sweetlime (Sweet Orange)
More About Sweetlime (Sweet Orange)
Sugar-Apple :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Annona squamosa
Sugar apple, also known as sweetsop, is the edible fruit of Annona squamosa, a small, well-branched shrub native to the tropical regions of South America and West Indies. Its high Vitamin and mineral contents, along with the unique sweet taste, make it highly popular, especially in the tropics.
Tamarind :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Tamarindus indica
Lightens Your Skin, Natural Remedy For Cellulite, Natural Anti-aging Agent, This fruit is essential for healthy , muscle function beneficial for good health, Eye drops, stomach worms, sore throat, Blood purification
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More About Tamarind
Tangerine :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Citrus reticulata
Tangerines are related varieties of oranges. They generally distinguished from oranges by their smaller size, loose, easily peelable skin (pericarp) and more sweeter juicy flesh (arils). They are also known as mandarin oranges in Europe. In Japan, a closely related seedless variety of mandarins known as Unshu mikan or satsuma mandarin grown in abundance in Kagoshima prefecture. Just as in oranges, mandarins too belong within the Rutaceae (citrus Family) and known scientifically as Citrus reticulata.
Water-chestnut :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Eleocharis dulcis
Control loose motions, Good for fetal growth, Regulates water retention, Secretion of mother milk, Alleviate nausea
Lowers cardiac risks, Hair Benefits of Water Chestnut
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Lowers cardiac risks, Hair Benefits of Water Chestnut
More About Water-chestnut
Water-melon :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Citrullus lanatus
Improves Eye Health, Alkaline-forming, Muscle & Nerve Support, Diuretic & Kidney Support, Anti-inflammatory & Antioxidant Support, Reduces Body Fat, Cardiovascular & Bone Health
More About Water-melon
More About Water-melon
Wood apple :
Scientific (Botanical) Name is Limonia acidissima
Good for Diabetic Patients, Blood Cleanser, Prevention of Scurvy, Relief from Respiratory Problems, Good for Kidney Conditions, Liver Health, Anti-inflammatory properties
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